The Center for Civic Policy (CCP) is a nonpartisan tax-exempt 501c3 organization that “works to amplify the voices of...
The League of Conservation Voters (LCV) is a network of organizations that includes a 501(c)3, 501(c)4, federal PAC, independent...
Fairbanks Climate Action Coalition (FCAC), formed in November 2015, is a “growing group of concerned citizens motivated by the...
Extinction Rebellion is an environmental organization with the stated objective of attempting “to halt mass extinction and minimise the...
If you want to know who is opposing economic development in the state of New Mexico and beyond, keep...
ProgressNow New Mexico describes itself as a “grassroots communications and advocacy organization working to unite, empower, and enhance the...
We are the voice of energy workers advocating for their jobs and communities, and pushing back on the radical environmental movement which uses their vast power and resources to advance their agenda. Follow us on social media, subscribe to our newsletter, and if you can, please consider donating to help us continue to fight for American men and women whose hard work powers our nation and powers the future