The parings are set and it’s time to grab your bracket! Power The Furture’s “Energy Hypocrite Madness” tournament recognizes...
From gas prices hitting all-time highs to inflation not seen in a generation, there is no question energy was...
As a newly elected Congress prepares to take power in January, it is essential that it prioritizes unleashing American...
Sitting Down with Alaska’s Congressional Finalists Energy is on the ballot this November, and Power The Future is delivering...
Power The Future is taking a stand against President Biden’s back door energy bureaucracy by launching You can join...
The United States can and should be doing more to address the crisis in Ukraine. That’s why Power The Future...
We are the voice of energy workers advocating for their jobs and communities, and pushing back on the radical environmental movement which uses their vast power and resources to advance their agenda. Follow us on social media, subscribe to our newsletter, and if you can, please consider donating to help us continue to fight for American men and women whose hard work powers our nation and powers the future