PTF Alaska’s Energy Corner

PTF Alaska’s Energy Corner

October 17, 2022

Sitting Down with Alaska’s Congressional Finalists

Energy is on the ballot this November, and Power The Future is delivering critical information to Alaskans before Election Day.

For the first time, Alaska’s voters will be able to hear from each candidate about their vision for the state’s energy future in a series of long-form videos that will highlight their positions.

With Alaska and the rest of the country facing record prices at the pump combined with massive inflation, the future of energy policy in the United States is critically important.

Power The Future’s Rick Whitbeck recently had the exclusive opportunity to interview all four finalists for Alaska’s At-Large seat in the U.S. House of Representatives: Mary Peltola, Sarah Palin, Nick Begich III and Chris Bye.

The Candidates

Nick Begich III

Chris Bye

Sarah Palin

Mary Peltola