House Committee Expands Deb Haaland Investigation

House Committee Expands Deb Haaland Investigation

November 3, 2023

Yesterday, the House Committee on Natural Resources escalated its investigation into Interior Secretary Deb Haaland’s alleged misconduct and lack of impartiality. The committee sent a letter to a New Mexico-based environmental group raising concerns about their actions and Secretary Haaland’s potential misuse of her position to benefit them. This latest effort by the committee follows last week’s letter sent to Haaland’s office seeking additional documents.

“We’re grateful to the members of the Natural Resources Committee and Chairman Bruce Westerman for seeking answers, especially as Deb Haaland hopes this problem simply goes away,” said Larry Behrens, Communications Director for Power The Future. “Secretary Haaland will shout from the mountaintops her effort to shut down American energy production, but when it comes time to discuss her own ethical controversies, she gets awfully quiet, awfully fast. We’re all paying more for everything because of Joe Biden’s and Deb Haaland’s energy policies. It’s time for answers.”

As the investigation deepens, we are left wondering about the true extent of Haaland’s involvement and its impact on American energy production. As energy costs continue to rise because of the eco- left’s policies, the House Committee’s efforts serve as a reminder of the importance of holding government officials accountable.