Yet More of Alaska Could Be Off-Limits Under Further Biden Environmental Radicalism

Yet More of Alaska Could Be Off-Limits Under Further Biden Environmental Radicalism

July 16, 2024

The federal government is Alaska’s dominant landlord, with nearly 63% of the state – an area bigger than the state of Texas – under its control.

The ability to use those lands – and the incredible resource wealth under them – to provide economic opportunity for Alaskans have been under siege during this administration.   President Biden and his administration have issued an incredible 66 administrative or executive orders designed to stymie development on them.

The day he assumed office, an executive order put a halt to activities in the Coastal Plain of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR).  Late last week, the Department of Interior’s Bureau of Land Management publicized plans to expand the areas off-limits to development in the National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska (NPR-A). 

This latest announcement comes after more than 40% of the NPR-A – originally designated a strategic development area for energy, national and military security – was placed off-limits in April. Apparently, that’s not enough of a lock-up of Alaska’s energy opportunities for the eco-zealots, who have dug their talons deep into this administration.

The good news is that organizations are fighting back.  Lawsuits have been filed against Interior’s April actions by the State of Alaska, Indigenous organizations and oil and gas producers. 

With the recent Supreme Court decision making it clear that executive overreach is being curtailed, let’s hope those suits are successful, and that Alaska’s once again able to develop its enormous resource potential.