Worried about New Mexico’s Energy Workers? Welcome to the ‘Death Cult!’

Worried about New Mexico’s Energy Workers? Welcome to the ‘Death Cult!’

April 21, 2020

Apparently, when you’re facing an unprecedented economic crisis and still collecting a taxpayer-funded paycheck, name-calling is the solution. That’s the case in New Mexico as the Communications Director for Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham took to social media to respond to anyone who questions Santa Fe’s decisions.

In response to New Mexicans who are suffering from record unemployment, spokesman Tripp Stelnicki had this to say:


These comments came while over 100,000 New Mexicans, including the state’s energy workers, have filed for unemployment and are literally brought to tears trying to seek help from Santa Fe. Take note, if you dare question the economic consequences of a state-mandated lockdown, you are now part of a ‘death cult.’

Thankfully, local leaders from energy-producing counties in New Mexico are taking the lead to start down the road to recovery.

It should be noted, recently Mr. Stelnicki blocked Power The Future from following him on Twitter. It’s unclear if he will continue to block out the New Mexicans who are pleading for help.