Winter Hits New Mexico and Renewables Can’t Bring the Heat

Winter Hits New Mexico and Renewables Can’t Bring the Heat

October 27, 2020

When New Mexicans all over the state encountered their first taste of Winter 2020, thankfully coal, oil and natural gas workers didn’t let them down. However, the eco-left’s favorite “solution” proved once again it can’t bring the heat.

Meteorologists said the storm could set a record for October snow in some parts of the state meaning families will be glad to stay inside where it’s warm thanks to natural gas that is used in many homes in New Mexico.

However, on Monday evening as temperatures struggled to get above 20 degrees, the state’s largest utility reported the renewable contribution to New Mexico’s power and heat was exactly…7 percent.

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New Mexico has bowed to the eco-left by establishing disastrous renewable portfolio standards which will force the state to use more and more unreliable renewables in the years ahead. If the storm of October 2020 is any indicator, the radical environmentalists’ “solution” of the future will leave New Mexico’s families out in the cold.