Willow Remains On Track After Judge Smacks Down Eco-Extremists Again

Willow Remains On Track After Judge Smacks Down Eco-Extremists Again

December 5, 2023

Alaska’s Willow oil and gas development has exceptional support throughout the state.  Labor unions, development organizations, state government leaders and the state’s Congressional delegation have all voiced their approval for the project, as have the Inupiat people nearest to the jobsite.

After a lengthy pause by the Biden Administration – under the guise of double-checking the previous environmental impact statement process for irregularities – Team Biden approved the project, setting off a firestorm of indignant howls of protest from the radical environmental fringe that had been fighting Willow for years.

Late last week, for the second time in just over a month, Alaska U.S. District Court judge Sharon Gleason slapped down the extremists’ legal case, and allowed Willow’s winter construction season to continue, unabated.

Willow will one day employ hundreds of Alaskans and Americans as it brings 600 million barrels of oil to market.  In the interim, construction will bring 2,000 jobs to the Great Land.  Judge Gleason – eco-centric bent and all – made the right decisions on the project, and Alaska and America are better off because of them.