When Renewables Fail, New Mexico Eco-Left Blames…You

When Renewables Fail, New Mexico Eco-Left Blames…You

August 26, 2020

It’s clear New Mexico’s eco-left struggles with self-awareness.

Last week, the state’s largest electric utility urged New Mexican’s to keep their thermostats set at 78 because of clouds.  Yes, you read that correctly.

The request from the utility company came because they admitted their solar panels can’t keep up on a cloudy day. The same solar panels hailed by environmental groups as the ultimate answer to any energy problem are already failing to live up to the hype.

When asked about the failure of their “solution,” the eco-left shifted the blame to New Mexicans by saying demand on the part of families is what needs to change:

Aside from building more power plants and storage, the solution also will require changes on the demand side, said Camilla Feibelman, director of the Sierra Club’s Rio Grande Chapter.

New Mexico’s eco-left can’t hide from their own fiasco. They are the ones who are forcing this unreliable energy change and the fact they now want to blame families for using electricity proves their “solutions” lead to nothing but failure.