University of New Mexico Professors Want to Divest from Fossil Fuels but Keep The Money

University of New Mexico Professors Want to Divest from Fossil Fuels but Keep The Money

May 19, 2021

Professors at the University of New Mexico are displaying next-level hypocrisy that makes our higher education system famous.

According to the Albuquerque Journal, the UNM faculty Senate wants the school’s foundation to combat climate change by divesting from any companies involved in fossil fuels. And just in case you think they’re not serious, the faculty leader in charge of the effort says:

“Sometimes there’s a propensity to dismiss these types of resolutions as mere activism or political posturing…across the nation there have been successful efforts at divestment, but there has to be the stomach for it.”

At this point, it’s important to note that the workers of the fossil fuel industry provide enough tax revenue to the state that it accounts for over 30 percent of the entire state budget in New Mexico.

So, if these academics are serious about fossil fuel divestment, they each should be petitioning UNM for a 30 percent pay cut and a 30 percent budget cut for each of their programs. Otherwise, they are just posturing hypocrites.

We’ll keep you updated if these professors “have the stomach” to divest from their paychecks. Don’t hold your breath.