Thousands of Coloradans Lost Control of Home Thermostats

Thousands of Coloradans Lost Control of Home Thermostats

September 7, 2022

Over the holiday weekend, Coloradans unlocked a new eco-fear: being locked out of their thermostat in 90-degree weather because their energy company thought it was an energy emergency.  

 Fox Business reports:  

 “Tony Talarico, an Xcel Energy customer in Arvada, Colorado, told KMGH-TV that he attempted to turn up the air conditioning as temperatures creeped into the 90s on Tuesday but was greeted with a message from this thermostat declaring an “energy emergency” and prevented from turning the dial.”  “Normally, when we see a message like that, we’re able to override it,” Talarico said. “In this case, we weren’t. So, our thermostat was locked in at 78 or 79.” 

Xcel Energy released a statement stating that customers had signed up for the program to receive a discount on their energy bill. Emmett Romine, vice president of customer solutions and innovation at Xcel, said: 

“So, it helps everybody for people to participate in these programs. It is a bit uncomfortable for a short period of time, but it’s very, very helpful, adding that this week was the first time in six years that customers could not override their thermostats.” 

This was an unsettling event that took place in Colorado and one that should be a warning for the future. The control Xcel Energy has over its vulnerable consumers is something the eco-left aims for. The renewable energy utopia they want is not sustainable or reliable. The United States was energy independent just two years ago, and now Americans are facing energy blackouts and cannot control the temperature of their homes.