The Biggest Question New Mexico’s Largest Electric Utility Has Ignored

The Biggest Question New Mexico’s Largest Electric Utility Has Ignored

October 15, 2019

New Mexico’s largest electric utility, the Public Service Company of New Mexico (PNM) went out of their way to chastise us over our efforts to expose the truth behind their support of New Mexico’s Energy Transition Act.

Called the “mini Green New Deal,” the Energy Transition Act (ETA) was quickly forced through the legislature with radical environmental groups and PNM working behind the scenes to make sure the controversial law had everything they wanted. The ETA forces New Mexicans onto a renewable path no matter how high the cost of electric bills or how many people lose their jobs.

We know there are a number of problems with the PNM position and to be fair, they would claim the same about our position. So, instead of a long back-and-forth highlighting PNM’s obfuscation, let’s boil it down to a simple question that PNM has ignored.

If the state’s largest utility truly believes New Mexicans electric bills will go down because of the ETA, why didn’t they support putting in rate payer protections into the law to ensure bills don’t go up?

We asked the question in July…no response from PNM.

Since we now know they regularly read our work, we eagerly await a response.