The Biden-Harris Energy Plan Would Be Catastrophic to The Average American October 13, 2020 Presidential nominee “moderate” Joe Biden has flip flopped on his energy stance time and time again. It’s clear he doesn’t have a hold on his campaign and the progressive puppeteers behind the scenes have more say on the policy proposals apart of his campaign than he does. Climate Change Dispatch reports: A majority of voters doubt Joe Biden would serve a full term in office, making Harris the de facto presidential nominee. Harris is also a “proud” co-sponsor of Ocasio-Cortez’s Green New Deal. The skirmish unshrouds the friction and fiction of this forced marriage. Despite Biden’s air of moderation, his administration would enact the furthest-reaching climate plans in American history. The Biden Plan offers a pared-down version of Ocasio-Cortez’s Green New Deal, drafted and endorsed by the party’s “climate justice” progressive wing, and the umbilical cord of that movement. Joe Biden’s radical $2 trillion climate plan marks the first-time climate change has emerged as a central plank in the Democratic Party’s presidential campaign. Biden’s proposed transition puts at risk the nearly 10 million jobs across the country the industry supports and would result in higher electricity bills to households across the country. Californians pay 61 percent above the national average for electricity, with the state’s Independent System Operator warning for years that reliance on renewable energy threatens the state’s source of reliable power. A Biden-Harris Administration would follow in California’s footsteps, offering as supporters attest, the “most aggressive climate change plan of any presidential candidate in U.S. history.” Middle-American communities depend on the oil and gas industry for jobs, cheap and reliable energy, and government revenue the industry contributes both locally and nationally. If a Biden-Harris climate plan were implemented on a national scale: millions of jobs in the prosperous industry would be lost, energy prices for households would skyrocket, and energy shortages like those we’ve recently witnessed in California will be rampant throughout the country. Back to Blog Posts