Protecting Sandoval’s Future August 11, 2018 The proposed ban on energy exploration in Sandoval County is not as cut and dry as the activist promoting it claim. Not only would there be job loss, especially in the northern part of the county closer to Farmington, but the tax revenue loss to the state would mean a cut in services like education and infrastructure. Power The Future is a voice for energy workers. In multiple states across the nation, we push back on radical green groups who threaten energy workers’ jobs with their agenda. In Sandoval county we’ve run ads in the local paper and placed billboards along Route 550 with clear messages: Sandoval energy workers deserve a thank you card, not a pink slip. These new videos are part of our effort to protect Sandoval and to call out these radical groups pushing this onto the local citizens. We will be using them on social media across the county with one goal: protect Sandoval energy workers. Back to Blog Posts