Power The Future Sends Multiple “Inspection of Public Records Act” (IPRA) Requests in New Mexico March 12, 2018 New Mexico is sitting on an energy lottery ticket. Their abundant natural resources have allowed an energy industry (which employs tens of thousands, and contributes significantly to the State’s budget) to thrive. We’ve highlighted that here and explained why we launched out efforts in New Mexico first here. New Mexico is a state where the radical environmental groups want to affect change. Where we see hope, growth, prosperity and opportunity, the ideological left sees a chance to push their job-killing agenda. One of the principal donors these causes, billionaire Tom Steyer, stated very clearly New Mexico was his new target. We know coastal elites like Steyer and Soros and Bloomberg have given millions to activism which puts the jobs of those tens of thousands of hard working men and women at risk. Power The Future is seeking transparency. Knowing that these environmental groups receive millions of dollars out-of-state funding, we question if they have New Mexico’s best intentions, or those of their billionaire donors. What pressure is being put on government officials and offices with regards to permissions and permitting, allocation of funds, investments and divestments of the State’s General Fund, among others. With a radical agenda which threatens the jobs of thousands of citizens and the very economic foundation of the state, under the New Mexican Inspection of Public Records Act we are looking to shed light on the following environmental groups and their relationship with several government offices: @sanjuancitizens.org; @nextgenamerica.org; @nmelc.org; @biologicaldiversity.org; @350.org; @sierraclub.org; @wildearthguardians.org; @taoslandtrust.org; @email.arizona.edu; @environmentnewmexico.org; @cavu.org Today is the beginning of Sunshine Week. What these groups want to do in private, we will bring to the public. We know the thousands of Americans working in New Mexico’s energy sector make our lifestyles possible. The fruit of their labor runs our world. We will fight every day to protect their jobs, their families, and their communities, because we know they Power The Future. Back to Blog Posts