New Mexico Senator Took Money From Both Sides of Failed Merger

New Mexico Senator Took Money From Both Sides of Failed Merger

October 16, 2024

Last week, it was reported that New Mexico Senator Martin Heinrich (D) took campaign donations from both sides of a failed New Mexico clean energy merger. In 2021, Sen. Heinrich wrote that the proposed merger between Avangrid and PNM would “financially benefit PNM customers” without disclosing that he took in $43,000 in campaign contributions from the companies before, during, and after the merger failed.

The Washington Reporter writes,

“Heinrich has in the past accepted tens of thousands of dollars from employees and PACs of both Avangrid and PNM Resources. Prior to publishing his op-ed, Heinrich received thousands of dollars from the Avangrid Political Action Committee, which is still donating to the Senator since his failed advocacy for the merger, according to campaign finance records. Last year, employees of Avangrid gave Heinrich over $13,000 on a single day, according to campaign finance records.”

This is a great example of what is wrong with politicians in D.C., and New Mexico deserves a leader who will represent the state, not just the corporations who fund their campaign.

“It looks like Martin Heinrich really believes in the green movement, as long as it puts more green in his campaign pocket,” said Larry Behrens, Communications Director for Power The Future. “As New Mexicans are heading to the polls, they deserve full disclosure from Martin Heinrich about any deals he’s pushed that also included campaign cash.”