Entire NM Delegation Supports Biden Administration Attack on Gas Stoves

Entire NM Delegation Supports Biden Administration Attack on Gas Stoves

June 15, 2023

This week every member of the New Mexico Congressional delegation voted in favor of new legislation that will allow the Biden Administration to continue to push onerous rules against gas stoves—continuing their ruthless attack on the energy industry along with the personal lives of so many Americans. Despite the Biden Administration’s ongoing opposition to gas stove use in the United States, the “Save Our Gas Stoves Act” received extensive bipartisan support, with 29 house democrats supporting the legislation, ultimately leading to the bill easily passing the chamber with 249 votes. This indicates that many of our country’s top lawmakers oppose President Biden’s unwarranted and invasive campaign against gas stoves; the nonsense must stop, and Americans should be entitled to choose whichever stove option they prefer. 

According to the Wall Street Journal, the legislation would force millions of Americans to make this unnecessary adjustment to their private lives: 

In February the Energy Department issued an attack on gas stoves disguised as an “efficiency” regulation. The proposed rule would ban most current gas models and make replacements far less functional. The Energy Information Administration says that in 2020 nearly 40% of Americans used gas to cook in their homes.

The Biden Administration’s desire to eliminate gas stoves from American society not only negatively impacts the economy by hurting the natural gas industry, but it also serves as an unwarranted infringement on the private lives of American citizens.  Power The Future Communications Director Larry Behrens slams the New Mexico delegation for failing to stand up for their constituents and voting to give the eco-left more power. 

“The Biden Administration is coming after so many aspects in the lives of New Mexicans, you would think our representatives would stand up for our families. Sadly, the best they can do is tweet middle-school jokes while Joe Biden forces his green agenda through executive rules, The natural gas industry provides jobs and critical revenue for our state and when it’s under attack New Mexico needs leaders. Sadly, all we have are petty politicians.”