Democratic Bill Seeks to Cut Oil and Gas Companies Out of Pandemic Relief Programs May 6, 2020 On Tuesday, Democratic lawmakers introduced a bill aimed to block fossil fuel companies from accessing financial assistance from the pandemic relief programs administered by the Treasury Department and Federal Reserve. The completely partisan measure introduced by thirty House members and nine senators also seeks to unravel other Trump administration efforts to aid the struggling oil and gas industry. The Washington Examiner reports: For example, the measure would block new fossil fuel leases on federal lands until the coronavirus national emergency is lifted. The legislation would restrict the interior secretary’s ability to reduce royalty rates on federal lands and waters, as well as for offshore drilling — a move Trump officials have said they would consider on a case-by-case basis. The Democratic bill would also cap the Strategic Petroleum Reserve at its current limit and make clear that the reserve can’t be used to store private oil, the fact sheet says. … The Democratic legislation won’t get reception with the Republican majority in the Senate, many of whom have pressured President Trump to do even more to help struggling oil and shale companies. Nonetheless, the legislation is a political marker for where many left-wing Democrats stand as negotiations heat up over the next round of coronavirus relief. Having already stalled initial relief packages trying to include aspects of the failed Green New Deal, it’s clear that the eco-left is putting their radical political agenda over the interests of American citizens seeking relief during this time of uncertainty. The essential industry that has made continuing our day to day activities possible shouldn’t be attacked by the left and their never-ending war on fossil fuels. Rather, the government should assist the struggling industry that has kept the lights on in hospitals and households across the country amid this pandemic, provides millions of American jobs, and generates billions in national revenue. We hope lawmakers in Washington can put differences aside and focus on the real crises at hand, fighting the invisible enemy and bringing relief to Americans struggling during this time. Back to Blog Posts