Colorado Kills Coal

Colorado Kills Coal

February 11, 2025

Colorado is working to phase out the state’s last remaining coal-fueled electrical power plants. The state wants them closed by the end of 2031, even though a third of the state’s energy is generated through these power plants.

Just the News reports,

“The Colorado Department of Labor and Energy reports that 10 coal-fired units remain operational throughout the state. One of those 10 is scheduled to close by the end of this year, with the remaining nine units all set to close by the end of 2031.”

These absurd goals and regulations will cost hundreds of jobs and shutter one of the last pillars of reliable energy.

“Some advocates are skeptical of the move away from coal. In 2023, the U.S. Energy Information Administration reported that coal-fired power plants accounted for 32% of Colorado’s total in-state energy generation…Additionally, a 2022 report from the U.S. Energy Information Administration found that, between coal, petroleum and natural gas, coal produced the least amount of the state’s carbon dioxide emissions.”

Coal remains vital to America’s energy mix, providing dependable power and supporting communities that rely on these jobs for their livelihoods. The shuttering of coal plants in Colorado will not only cost 722 jobs but also increase energy bills for the state—another example of eco-left policies leaving hard-working Americans out in the cold.