Christmas Wish #5: Open Up More Federal Leasing to Unleash America’s Energy Potential December 21, 2024 As we continue our Christmas wish list for the incoming Trump administration, item number five is crystal clear and absolutely essential: open up more federal land and waters for energy leasing. For four long years, the Biden-Harris administration waged a relentless war on domestic energy production by locking up federal lands, slowing down lease sales, and burying projects in endless red tape. The result? Higher energy prices, lost jobs, and a weakened America. Instead of tapping into our nation’s vast resources, they handed energy dominance to foreign producers who couldn’t care less about environmental standards or American families. The truth is that America’s energy future lies beneath our feet. By expanding federal leasing for oil and natural gas production, we can create thousands of good-paying jobs, lower energy costs, and strengthen our national security. Leasing public lands doesn’t just fuel our economy—it ensures that America, not Saudi Arabia, Qatar, or Russia, calls the shots on global energy supply. The incoming Trump administration has a golden opportunity to reverse course and put American workers and energy independence first. We’re calling for immediate action to: Restart regular federal lease sales, onshore and offshore. Eliminate bureaucratic delays that stall critical projects. Send a clear message that America will lead the world in energy production once again. This Christmas, let’s commit to unlocking America’s resources, unleashing innovation, and restoring prosperity. The path forward is simple: open the lands, unleash the rigs, and let American energy shine. It’s time to put America back in charge of its energy future. Let’s make sure the lights stay on for Christmas for generations to come. Back to Blog Posts