California Governor Gavin Newsom Wears a Fleece Jacket as he Tells Californians Not to use their AC

California Governor Gavin Newsom Wears a Fleece Jacket as he Tells Californians Not to use their AC

September 9, 2022

Earlier this week, California Governor Gavin Newsom delivered a message to Californians asking them to shut off their air conditioners in order to save energy during the current heat wave. The only problem was the governor was clearly not following his own advice. Newsom was wearing a fleece jacket as he delivered the message.

 The National Desk reports: “California Governor Gavin Newsom is getting slammed as a hypocrite after donning a fleece jacket and hat while urging Californians not to use their air conditioning after 4 p.m. to ‘save energy’ amid an unprecedented heat wave in the West.” 

During his remarks, Newsom asked residents to keep their thermostats at 78 degrees after 4 PM and to refrain from using large appliances. But it is clear that the governor was delivering the message from a well air-conditioned room.

TND continues: “’Californians, you’ve stepped up to help in a big way to keep the lights on so far. But we’re heading to the worst part of this heat wave and the risk for outages is real and its immediate,’ Newsom said in a video shared online Tuesday in which he appears to be sitting in an air-conditioned room wearing a fleece jacket and a hat with the California bear insignia on it.” 

Newsom’s tone-deaf remarks come just days after his administration banned the sale of gas-powered vehicles in the state by the year 2035. His extreme policies are punishing the residents of his own state but clearly this air conditioning message doesn’t apply to him.