Biden’s Repealing of the “Roadless Rule” Exemption is His Latest Strike Against Alaska June 15, 2021 Alaskans hoping the Biden Administration would back off its attacks on our state’s economy were once again disappointed last Friday. In what can be described as another salvo promoted by the eco-Left, whose talons run deep in Bidenville, the Administration showed little courage in rolling back progress toward reopening responsible timber management in the Tongass National Forest. The announcement that Biden’s Department of Agriculture would reinstate the “Roadless Rule” in the Tongass means that logging will once again be off-limits throughout its 9.3 million acres. Aside from the opportunity to soundly manage the forest, reinstatement also shutters hundreds of potential jobs in Southeast Alaska. The Washington Post summed up the actions in a recent post: “Coming shortly after officials suspended drilling leases in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, the step highlights how the state has become a climate and conservation battleground since Joe Biden became president. With its vast natural resources and focus on extracting commodities such as oil, timber and metals, Alaska often finds itself at odds with Washington when Democrats control the White House.” For Alaska’s energy and resource development community, Friday’s actions signal no end to the Biden onslaught. Power The Future and others will continue to push back against the Administration with all we have in us, understanding the next three-plus years will hold more bad news for jobs, economic development and progress in the Great Land. Alaska Back to Blog Posts