Biden-Harris EV Push: A Blue-Collar Job Killer

Biden-Harris EV Push: A Blue-Collar Job Killer

October 2, 2024

Despite promises that producing EVs would be a boon to American manufacturing, the Biden-Harris administration’s top-down push for electric vehicles (EVs) is coming at a massive cost—thousands of blue-collar jobs. Automakers like GM and Stellantis are retooling their factories for EV production and leaving American workers behind. The job losses are now just the beginning. Recently, in the Daily Caller:

“‘The GM layoffs, following the Stellantis layoffs, show that auto jobs are going away to China from the United States,” said Diana Furchtgott-Roth, director of the Center for Energy, Climate and Environment at the Heritage Foundation.”

This puts on full display what we have known all along: that the EV transition is not just about swapping a gas tank for a battery; it’s about swapping American jobs for Chinese ones as well. The Biden-Harris administration’s policies are accelerating this forced shift, granting China even greater domination in the EV supply chain poised. Meanwhile, American workers are left in the dust of this accelerating green agenda. The Daily Caller continues:

“‘It may sound like hyperbole, but it’s not an exaggeration to say that we risk the wholesale destruction of the U.S. auto industry,” said Mark Mills, Executive Director of the National Center for Energy Analytics.’”

While certainly bad for American workers, the EV push is also bad for consumers. Despite massive subsidies, consumers remain hesitant to adopt EVs, and sales growth slowing significantly. The Biden-Harris administration is pouring billions into a transition that benefits China more than America. We warned about this last year. Our report, Where Green Meets Red: How the Environmental Agenda is Making America Dependent on China, discusses how our growing dependence on China jeopardizes our national security. 

The Biden-Harris administration’s EV push is a blue-collar job killer. It’s time to press the brakes on this reckless agenda that benefits China at the expense of American workers and consumers. Let’s stand up for American workers and demand a better path forward.