Another Job-Creating Prospect Under Attack in Alaska

Another Job-Creating Prospect Under Attack in Alaska

May 18, 2022

The eco-left certainly has a well-known playbook: Find a project that could create jobs, but might disturb a fish, fowl or mammal.  Aggressively fight said project.  Find the next and repeat, over and over and over again.

That’s certainly the case in Alaska, where radical environmental organizations tend to pool up like salmon during spawning season, waiting for their next opportunity to disrupt Alaska’s bright energy future.

The latest project in their crosshairs is the West Susitna Road, which would allow for access to the Estelle Mining District in the remote areas of the Mat-Su Valley in Southcentral Alaska.  The area is known to hold exceptional deposits of gold and would also be close enough to a proposed clean-coal deposit that it would elevate that potential project. Hundreds of full-time jobs would be created, and recreational opportunities would also be more easily accessed via the new road.

But the environmental movement – surprise! – has had a complete meltdown over the road, claiming it would permanently damage hundreds of acres of wilderness.  In their haste to fight the project, they conveniently forget the fact that boats, snowmachines and all-terrain vehicles traverse those areas throughout the year.

The access to resource jobs and easier access to recreation would be a boon for Alaskans.  The eco-left just can’t handle the truth when it comes to Alaska balancing environmental stewardship with responsible development. That’s why Power The Future will never stop fighting for that balanced approach.