American Energy is Keeping the Lights On for Our European Allies March 6, 2023 It has been over a year since the war on Ukraine started. In the beginning, there was worry across Europe regarding energy and keeping the lights on. But, thanks to American energy workers, cities across Europe have been able to heat their homes this winter and keep the lights on. A new report from The Wall Street Journal highlights America’s role in supplying liquified natural gas (LNG) to Europe. “Europe has been forced to increase imports of U.S. LNG, deepening cross-Atlantic trading ties and elevating America’s role as an energy superpower. But before an American molecule of gas can be burned by a power plant in Italy, used to cook in Spain or produce fertilizer in Germany, it has to be pumped out of the ground, treated, piped, chilled, loaded onto a ship and converted into gas again. The journey spans the gas fields of Appalachia and the Gulf Coast, and involves thousands of miles of pipelines; giant, multibillion-dollar fridges; and a global fleet of special vessels.” The report discusses the infrastructure and large vessels needed to ensure LNG is transported safely across the Atlantic. “In December, vessels shipped 41 cargoes out of Sabine Pass, according to the Energy Department. One shipload can represent enough energy to heat more than 43,000 U.S. homes for a year, according to the Energy Department.” The United States is an energy powerhouse. We have abundant natural resources that we should use to our advantage. Our country was once energy independent, and we must work our way back there. This not only helps our citizens but our allies as well. “As Russia weaponizes its energy resources in the ongoing war, thankfully American energy workers are giving America the power to fight back,” said Daniel Turner, Founder and Executive Director of Power The Future. “For all the billions in tax dollars spent on solar panels and windmills, it is carbon based fuels that are making all the difference for our allies. It’s long past time that all the Ukraine-flag wearing limousine liberals recognize American energy workers as heroes instead of the constant demonization they spew at them via their cult of climate religion.” Back to Blog Posts