Alaska Dems’ Platform to be Fossil Fuel-Free?

Alaska Dems’ Platform to be Fossil Fuel-Free?

December 8, 2023

As first reported by Suzanne Downing in Must Read Alaska, the Alaska Democratic Party is saying the quiet part out loud in their fight against traditional energy, and considering making their platform fossil fuel-free.

Changes to both Republican and Democratic state platforms are considered and ratified at biannual conventions of party activists, but proposed changes are tossed around throughout the time in-between.  Over the past few weeks, the Democrats’ Climate Caucus, a standing committee comprised of eco warriors on their State Central Committee, have been editing their party platform.

The changes are shocking.

The picture above is a screenshot of just some of those proposed changes, including a complete deletion of the plank dealing with oil and gas development.  Tim Hinterberger, a professor at the University of Alaska, Anchorage and a well-known anti-development activist, sums up his thoughts in a comment: “At this advanced stage of climate disruption, no oil development is responsible.”

Will the rest of the Democrats support the radical changes to the platform?  We’ll stay on top of things between now and their 2024 convention.  This document, when completed, will be the litmus test they vet candidates for public office against.  If they insist on looking to eliminate the industry that pays for nearly 25% of all private-sector employees and over 40% of state government, it will be interesting to see how their preferred candidates react.