Kerry’s Green Hypocrisy: From Climate Envoy to Billionaire’s Playground

Kerry’s Green Hypocrisy: From Climate Envoy to Billionaire’s Playground

October 10, 2024

In a move that reeks of self-interest, former climate envoy John Kerry has joined billionaire Tom Steyer’s green investment group, Galvanize Climate Solutions. This comes as Power The Future continues to fight for transparency from Kerry’s former office through a FOIA lawsuit. Despite his prior history as a serial flip-flopper, Kerry has always been a member of the global climate left and now once again has the wind in his sails, jetting around the world to hob-nob with the same out-of-touch elites as he did on the taxpayer’s dime. According to Financial Times:

“John Kerry, the former US secretary of state and climate envoy, has joined the green investment group run by billionaire fund manager and top Democratic donor Tom Steyer, making him the most high-profile politician to move into climate finance since former US vice-president Al Gore.”

Kerry’s new role at Galvanize is a slap in the face to American taxpayers and energy workers. After advocating for policies that would devastate the U.S. energy sector and cost thousands of jobs, Kerry is now set to profit from the very same green, anti-American agenda he promoted. This revolving door between government and the climate industrial complex is a stark example of the corruption that plagues the green movement. Financial Times continues:

“Kerry will become co-executive chair of Steyer’s Galvanize Climate Solutions, having indicated he was interested in a role in finance when he stepped down as US special climate envoy in March.”

Kerry’s interest in maintaining his globetrotting lifestyle is no surprise. His tenure as climate envoy was marked by a lack of transparency and accountability, as evidenced by our ongoing FOIA lawsuit. The State Department and DOJ have stonewalled our requests for information about Kerry’s climate office, hiding the truth from the American people. Now, Kerry is cashing in on his political connections, joining a fund that aims to profit from the “energy transition” he helped shape. Power The Future Executive Director Daniel Turner said in a Fox News report covering the lawsuit:

“For years, Power The Future has sought legitimate information under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) on John Kerry’s Climate Office, its budget, staff, mission, and outside coordination, and for years we have been told, ‘No.’”

Kerry’s move to Galvanize to join eco-left funder Tom Steyer is a clear-as-day reminder of the incestuous corruption that pervades the green movement. As we continue to fight for transparency through our FOIA lawsuit, it’s clear that Kerry and his cronies are more interested in lining their pockets than in saving the planet or defending Americans. It’s time to hold these green profiteers accountable and demand energy policies that put American workers first, not the interests of billionaires and political insiders not affected by their own damaging polices. Let’s expose the truth about Kerry’s climate office and the corrupt green cult. The American people deserve better.