Kamala Harris Goes Silent on Green New Deal

Kamala Harris Goes Silent on Green New Deal

September 26, 2024

We are used to politicians walking back promises for a vote, but Vice President Kamala Harris continues to surprise us with how far she will go. This morning, in addition to her flip-flopping stance on frackingelectric vehicle mandates, and plastic straw ban, her campaign refuses to answer whether she still supports the controversial Green New Deal.

Axios reports,

“In 2019, then-Sen. Kamala Harris pledged as president to eliminate Senate filibuster rules to pass a multi-trillion dollar Green New Deal to transform U.S. energy and climate policy. Now, Harris’ campaign declined to say if she would push for such a reform if she is president.”

This is a big deal. Only five short years ago, Kamala Harris was willing to change Senate rules to pass an eco-left wish list bill. Now, she is conveniently silent on her position regarding the Green New Deal.

“As we prepare for the next Kamala Harris flip-flop, the American people already understand that if she can abandon her positions so quickly during election season, she will just as quickly abandon their families if she’s elected,” said Daniel Turner, Founder and Executive Director for Power The Future. “The truth is Kamala Harris is a sad liar trying to say anything to be elected while offering no explanation why she’s supposedly changed her mind on critical issues. Thankfully, we don’t have to rely on her fake words, because her energy failures over the last three years are all too real.”