Grid Operators Sound Alarm: Federal Government Rules Threaten Power Reliability

Grid Operators Sound Alarm: Federal Government Rules Threaten Power Reliability

September 19, 2024

In a strong rebuke of the Biden-Harris administration’s “green” agenda, four major grid operators issued a warning that the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) heavy-handed regulations on power plants will jeopardize America’s electricity supply. Their dire, clear-eyed predictions, delivered in a legal brief, contradict the administration’s cable news talking points that its attempts to regulate physics won’t disrupt power reliability. The alarm is blaring, and this is a wake-up call we cannot afford to hit snooze on.

According to the brief as reported by The Daily Caller:

“Such inevitable and foreseeable premature retirement decisions resulting from the Rule’s timelines will substantially strain each of the Joint [independent system operators’] / [regional transmission organizations’] ability to maintain the reliability of the electric power grid to meet the needs of the citizenry and the country’s economy.”

The EPA’s rule reflects a fundamental misunderstanding and the larger, untrue attitude defining this administration: that utilizing America’s most abundant natural resources is bad, and their extraction and use should be eliminated, no matter the cost on American families and on the nation’s standing in the world. This is just the latest instance of detrimental policy driven by the eco-left, who have built an entire industry around making unfounded claims and never being satisfied. 

“Grid experts have similarly cautioned that the EPA’s rules will undermine power reliability at a time when electricity demand is expected to substantially increase due to de facto electric vehicle (EV) mandates and the rise of artificial intelligence (AI).”

This action from the EPA makes clear that it is not the American energy industry that is a clear and present danger—but rather overbearing government intervention based on fictitious information that stands to harm Americans the most. The Biden-Harris administration must walk back these reckless rules before it is too late. The future of our power grid—and our way of life—depends on it.