New EPA Regulations Wreak Havoc on Coal Miners and the Electrical Grid 

New EPA Regulations Wreak Havoc on Coal Miners and the Electrical Grid 

July 16, 2024

The new “Clean Power Plan 2.0” issued by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and endorsed by Joe Biden blatantly disregards the livelihoods of coal and gas plant workers across the United States. These regulations are a continuation of eco-left policies started under the Obama administration that target carbon output and cause premature closings of coal plants. 

Fox News reports the “Clean Power Plan 2.0” requires that, 

“All coal plants in the U.S. are subject to the regulation, and any plants still around by 2040 would have to curb emissions nearly 90% or enable carbon-capture technology, according to the analysis.”

Moreover, these new rules will jeopardize electrical grid reliability for 65 million Americans on the Atlantic coast, as two-thirds of the nation’s electricity is derived from coal. Republican lawmakers led by Lloyd Smucker opposing these regulations outlined in a letter that, 

“The forced closure of existing electric generation, coupled with a rushed transition to renewable energy sources without having the solutions in place to guarantee a reliable stream of uninterrupted power onto a grid already suffering from an interconnection backlog, will lead to both the rationing of electric power and an increase in electric costs for consumers.”

The only thing these regulations will achieve is increasing the frequency of blackouts in the US and putting hard-working Americans out of jobs. This is just another gross act of hypocrisy by the Biden administration and the eco-left as they endanger more American jobs while claiming to be the “party of the worker.”