PTF Poll Shows Overwhelming Consensus on Need to Prioritize U.S. Energy Security August 24, 2023 This week, we shared the results of our recent survey showing an overwhelming consensus on the need to prioritize U.S. energy security infrastructure. The survey examined voters’ views toward two major energy issues, permitting reform and transmission cost sharing, with an oversample of Republican primary voters. America’s reliance on hostile foreign energy sources emerged as a top concern and key messaging frame for all registered voters, including Republican primary voters. The Daily Caller reported on the survey, “Of those surveyed, 90% found at least somewhat convincing the argument that permitting reform would strengthen U.S. energy independence, enhance national security and allow the country to stand tall in the face of geopolitical challenges, with 64% of respondents saying that the idea was extremely or very convincing to them, the PTF poll found. Eighty-eight percent of the poll’s respondents support improvements to the federal permitting system for energy infrastructure projects in order to keep energy affordable and reliable.” PTF Founder and CEO said the below about the survey’s findings, “Since day one, the Biden administration has pursued its radical green energy agenda at the expense of traditional, abundant sources of U.S. energy, and the American people are fed up with these failed policies. If the administration succeeds in implementing its latest regulatory onslaught, it will hand hostile foreign countries like China and Russia even more control over our energy security and economy amid the war in Ukraine and global instability, while increasing costs and lowering grid reliability. The proposed rules are clearly out of touch with our nation’s priorities and anyone running for president should articulate how they plan to reverse President Biden’s failures.” Back to Blog Posts