Happy Alaska Mining Day!

Happy Alaska Mining Day!

May 10, 2023

Mining has a rich history in Alaska, with many of our state’s cities and towns originating from the gold rush days of the late 1800s and early 1900s.  Fast-forward to modern-day Alaska, and you have a range of mining activities from family-owned placer claims to world-class hard rock and coal deposits being responsibly developed across our great state.

In 2013, legislation was sponsored by state Senator Cathy Giessel which stipulated “Alaska Mining Day is established on May 10 of each year to recognize and honor the intrepid individuals and industry that played an enormous role in settling and developing the territory and the state and that continue to contribute to the economy of the state.”

Once that bill passed the legislature and was signed into law, Alaska Mining Day came to be.  Celebrated across the state with educational and celebratory events, projects and activities to increase public awareness of, and appreciation for, mining and miners in the state and the many uses for the minerals mined in the state.

So, for all of the men and women who mine, process and refine Alaska’s minerals riches, THANK YOU for what you do!  Today, all of us with Power The Future celebrate you a little extra – and we’ll continue to fight for your jobs, additional opportunities and a continued mining industry in the years to come.