It Never Stops: Another Alaska Resource Project Under Fire

It Never Stops: Another Alaska Resource Project Under Fire

December 21, 2022

My Christmas wish?  That environmental zealots and their ilk join in partnership with those seeking to develop resource opportunities, instead of always looking to thwart them.

I know that’s an unrealistic, wishful-thinking, utopian dream, but imagine the possibilities if it came true.

The latest example of this can be found in Southeast Alaska, near the town of Haines.  This time, the Palmer project – and its gold, barite, copper, silver and zinc deposits – is under siege from a mixture of environmental groups and Native organizations, who fear the mine will harm the surrounding ecosystem.

Their ‘exhibit A’ to cause fear and doubt about the project?  A shuttered mine – originating in British Columbia and originally permitted by Canada – whose tailings are affecting the area…but that stopped producing in 1957.  1957!

Mining technologies have changed dramatically in the past 65 years. The ENGOs and tribal groups fighting Palmer know this, but since they have nothing else to stand on for their opposition, they bring up a mine dormant for 65 years to show the potential impacts.

It is laughable on its face, but damaging to the Palmer prospect’s chances of being given its final green light to proceed. That is disgusting, and just another reason to fight against eco-stupidity, which we do – and will continue to do – every day at Power The Future.