Colorado Green Movement Propose 60% Cut in Education Funding September 21, 2018 That’s the real consequence of Prop 112 (formerly Initiative 97). No- this is not like the asinine predictions of the green movement who contend the Maldives will sink or Great Britain will cease to exist. When you deal with facts, you don’t need hyperbole to make your point. And the facts are clear: 2500 foot setbacks in Colorado will cut off about 85% of the state from energy exploration, and this would reduce tax revenue to the state by nearly half a billion dollars and put 30,000 men and women on the unemployment line. These are real, measurable, knowable facts, and this should steer Colorado’s energy policy. However, the “emergency” that was declared by state activists was not about tax revenue, infrastructure and education spending, jobs and unemployment. It was about the unquantifiable, unknowable “earth”. Maybe none of those activists have kids in public school. Back to Blog Posts