Senate Infrastructure Package Opens Doors for Green New Deal

Senate Infrastructure Package Opens Doors for Green New Deal

August 5, 2021

Currently, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) is forcing through a massive “infrastructure” bill. But in reality, this 2,700-page bill has a lot more to it than just infrastructure. Throughout the bill, billions of dollars is being allocated to the eco-lefts wish list. With the Wall Street Journal editorial board going so far as to say it is a down payment for President Biden’s Green New Deal.

“The Senate bill is a great leap forward for progressive ambitions to use central planning to re-engineer the electrical grid and banish carbon from the U.S. economy. The bill helps this political medicine go down by offering large subsidies that have co-opted the business lobbies.

Start with the $21.5 billion for the Energy Department’s new Office of Clean Energy Demonstrations, otherwise known as Secretary Jennifer Granholm’s green-energy venture-capital fund. Ms. Granholm knows this territory, having made many failed renewable-energy bets as Governor of Michigan—including A123 Systems, Fisker Automotive and various solar manufacturers.

Now she will get tens of billions of dollars to bet on even more energy projects. This includes $2.4 billion for advanced nuclear reactor projects, $3.5 billion for carbon capture, $8 billion for “clean hydrogen” and $5 billion for projects that “demonstrate innovative approaches to transmission, storage, and distribution infrastructure to harden and enhance resilience and reliability.”

The kicker is that Secretary Granholm gets to decide what is innovative and will hand pick these projects to spend billions of dollars on. This bill is an excellent disguise and the first step to making eco-left’s wish of the Green New Deal become a reality.