Brownouts On the Table for Next Summer: New Mexico Governor Silent

Brownouts On the Table for Next Summer: New Mexico Governor Silent

August 2, 2021

New Mexico’s leaders love following California’s ill-conceived eco-leftist ideas, and it looks like electric brownouts are next.

The state’s largest electric utility is warning of the possibility of brownouts next summer as they shut down reliable coal power in favor of…well, they don’t know yet. Solar projects are behind schedule and now the utility admits they won’t have the same amount of power in the near future.

From the article:

“We are looking at any and all options. … And we continue to beat the bushes, so to say, for other opportunities as well,”

“Am I concerned? Yes. Do I lose sleep over it? Yes. Can we solve it? Yes.”

The reason for the looming power poverty is simple: New Mexico’s Governor has forced an electric transition from reliable power to unreliable solar and wind. Yet, as her constituents face the possibility of losing power next summer, the Governor gets to remain silent.

New Mexico deserves better.