Anti-ANWR, Anti-Tongass Legislation Advances: “Window Dressing” From Eco-Extremists in Congress…or a Sign of Things to Come? July 14, 2020 Last Friday, over objections from Republicans, the US House’s Appropriations Committee inserted language into the Department of Interior’s budget that would erect barriers to opening the 10-02 area of ANWR to responsible development. This key part of the Trump energy agenda has been vilified by the extreme environmental movement since it was signed by the President in early 2018. Additionally, the Committee injected more anti-development language into the US Forest Service’s budget, with a single sentence shutting down the opportunity for new roads in the Tongass National Forest. Those roads would have allowed for limited timber development, infusing hope into an Alaskan industry nearly crippled by previous administrations’ overzealous “environmental protection” regulations. Thankfully, those appropriation shenanigans will meet a sure and swift demise in the Senate, with little chance of being resurrected in conference committee this session. But could they come back? Absolutely. Should Joe Biden win the White House, and the Democrats flip the Senate this November, budget maneuverings like what was seen last Friday would be implemented. Without question, Democrats in Congress have their eyes firmly planted on moving America from a dominant energy country into a subservient one. Their push for implementation of the Green New Deal and its eradication of fossil fuel jobs across America, coupled with the fact that most “green technology” is completely dependent on China and other unfriendly-to-America countries, would leave the US weakened politically and economically. Power The Future will continue to advocate for energy workers across America, working to ensure a bright future for the families and communities dependent on a strong, secure energy policy. Alaska Back to Blog Posts