As World Returns from COVID Hibernation, a Reminder That Many Workers Never Stopped April 29, 2020 The past two months have proven to be difficult for much of the world. Between a global pandemic and the resulting inactivity to business and personal life, most of us have seen a decrease in our daily movements. The internet is full of memes and snippets of prose reminding people to increase movement to ward off the “COVID 15”, the weight gain that many have experienced, similar to the “Freshman 15” of the first year of college. As much as many of us have seen activities decline, that hasn’t been the case for America’s energy workers, health care providers and supply-chain professionals. Facing increased pressure from longer shifts (some measured in weeks, rather than hours, for those working in man-camp settings), increased safety processes due to COVID-19 and – for energy workers – increased attacks from anti-development groups and individuals, who somehow believed that the pandemic was the time to increase the call for a “just transition” away from fossil fuels, these men and women showed true mettle in the face of adversity. Whether working at power plants, hospitals, utilities, mines, oilfields, ports, warehouses or retail locations, the workers plunged ahead with their jobs, because they knew the importance they had to helping America weather the storm. Although lives have been lost, the economy has been damaged, businesses have closed and life as we knew before COVID has been changed, just think of how much worse it could have been had these essential workers decided not to persevere. Power The Future is proud to champion the men and women who work in America’s energy community. They deserve America’s praise, and when this is all over, and America returns to whatever ‘normal’ looks like, we hope they take time to rest, recharge and reinvigorate. America will need them as much going forward as we do today. Alaska Back to Blog Posts