Anti-Alaskan-Jobs Initiative Gets Slapped with Lawsuit April 15, 2020 Late last week, a number of pro-business organizations filed suit to demand answers on how legal the “Alaska’s Fair Share” initiative’s signature-gathering tactics were. The initiative – a jobs-killing measure that would ultimately decrease investment in Alaska’s oil and gas sector – turned in nearly 40,000 verified signatures from across the state, surpassing the 28,501 that was required. The groups filing suit – including the Alaska State Chamber of Commerce, Resource Development Council for Alaska, Alaska Trucking Association, Alaska Miners Association, Associated General Contractors of Alaska and the Alaska Support Industry Alliance – take exception not to the number of signers, but the way paid signature-gatherers were compensated. Alaska’s laws on signature-gathering are clear: No more than $1 per name can be paid. Ads from the company hired to gather touted salaries and bonuses that would have exceeded that amount. Seems like an open-and-shut case, right? Not so fast, says the sponsor, Robin Brena, who stated in a recent article: “There’s no violation of the law. They don’t understand the law. They’re misquoting it,” Brena said. “They have their facts wrong.” Brena said the company did not pay signature gatherers on a per-name basis. What? That’s their legal argument? Whether paid on an individual basis or in aggregate, exceeding $1 per name is against state law. Power The Future will stay abreast of this suit and the ongoing fight to protect Alaska’s energy workers from overzealous anti-development groups, individuals and even public policy. After all, don’t the thousands of Alaskan families benefitting from working at the North Slope fields the initiative is targeting deserve it? Alaska Back to Blog Posts