350 New Mexico Caught in a Lie, Then Gets Schooled on The Real Cost of Renewables

350 New Mexico Caught in a Lie, Then Gets Schooled on The Real Cost of Renewables

September 9, 2019

You have to give 350 New Mexico a little credit. Not only are they willing to proclaim their lack of understanding of renewables, but they are glad to do it so publicly.

When presented with the fact a $1 million investment in shale wells produces more than 5 times the amount of electricity than a similar investment in wind, they simply decided to make up a new “fact.”

We had to read it twice too.

According to a leading environmental organization with millions in funding, they believe wind and solar power have ZERO fuel costs over 30 years. Apparently, there are no fuel costs to create, maintain or backup wind and solar energy.

As is often the case, they are wrong.

According to a study from the Manhattan Institute, an additional $4 billion was needed to install carbon fired grid-scale engines across the country in order to make wind energy reliable. When presented with this fact, 350 New Mexico relied on their main tactic: deny reality.

It’s eco-left playbook 101. Presented with facts that destroy your fragile world view? Simply claim they’re “made up” and move on. Of course, it wasn’t made up, but you wouldn’t be part of the eco-left in New Mexico without the ability to deny reality.

This all would be laughable if wasn’t for the fact radical environmental groups like 350 are given credibility. Perhaps it’s time for leaders in New Mexico to re-think their reliance on the eco-left.