Memo to Anchorage Assembly: Stop Playing Politics with Firm Energy

Memo to Anchorage Assembly: Stop Playing Politics with Firm Energy

June 6, 2024

The Anchorage Assembly is at it again, potentially sacrificing always-on electricity production in the name of special-interest pandering.

We’ve written before about the Assembly’s obsession with removing the Eklutna Dam, which provides approximately 6% of Anchorage’s power, but 90% of its drinking water.  They say they’re acting in the best interests of the Municipality, but putting power and water at risk to 275,000 people isn’t good public policy.

Next Tuesday, they’re formalizing their resolution to oppose the reauthorization of a 1991 agreement that the hydro/water project’s owners have spent five years studying and completing the mitigation and enhancement plan for.  To the Assembly and various anti-development groups, the plan is flawed because it doesn’t restore continuous water flow to the entire Eklutna River below the dam.

The ENGOs – including the infamous Alaska Center – have asked their supporters to pack the Assembly chambers, and to encourage the body to stand firm against the utilities’ plan.

Rational, pro-consumer Anchorage residents should heed the call from the extremists and come to the Assembly’s meeting to support responsible and continued operation of the Eklutna project.  The meeting will start at 5PM at the Loussac Library, downstairs in the Assembly Chambers’ regular meeting location.

Don’t let the wailing from the fringe override the rational response to Eklutna.  Remind the Assembly that power and water are more important than a woke environmental agenda.