Elites Push for Net Zero Carbon Footprint While Some Account for More Than A Thousand Times the Average Person

Elites Push for Net Zero Carbon Footprint While Some Account for More Than A Thousand Times the Average Person

October 22, 2019

A new study by Swedish researchers from Lund University found that some wealthy people and celebrities are responsible for a thousand times more CO2 emissions than the average person.

Researchers reviewed the social media accounts of well-known celebrities and wealthy philanthropists, and estimated the CO2 emissions by calculating the starting point and destination for flights.

Summit News reports:

Climate activist Bill Gates was responsible for approximately 1,600 tonnes of carbon dioxide, while flights used by Paris Hilton and Jennifer Lopez emitted 1,260 tonnes and 1,050 tonnes respectively.

These figures compare to a global average of 100 kilos per person per year for air travel, or in other words more than a thousand times higher.

Once again, we see the hypocrisy from the eco-left living by one set of rules and dictating another set of rules for the rest of the country. Wealthy climate activists continue to live in a bubble while pushing for policies that will eliminate millions of energy worker jobs and burden the average American with an exponential rise in energy costs across the country.