Will Taxpayer-Funded Charging Stations Offer Free Electricity to New Mexicans?
If the eco-left gets so angry about corporate giveaways, how do they feel about New Mexico’s taxpayers footing the bill for electric vehicle charging stations?
The New Mexico Environment Department was all-too-proud of their Earth Day announcement to use settlement money from Volkswagen to help buy a whopping 116 new electric vehicle charging stations. Nearly $2.7 million, the maximum amount allowed, from the settlement will go toward the effort to allow electric vehicle owners new locations to “fill up.”
One question: Since New Mexico’s taxpayers are already paying for these new charging stations, will the electricity be free? If the answer is no, then why not?
Is it possible taxpayers have to foot the bill to build a charging station only for the state to turn it over to corporate electric utilities?
Imagine for a moment if taxpayers provided the funds to build your local gas station, only to have that station turned over to an oil company that charges customers for gas and earns a profit. The eco-left wouldn’t stand for it, but if the money possibly goes to the electric company it appears there’s no problem.
When it comes to hypocrisy, the eco-left always has a full tank.
April 29, 2020