Get the Truth

ENGOs Bemoan Life While Destroying American Families

Reading through the year-end fundraising emails from various ENGOs this month would make you think the writers believe we should all be completely depressed about life.  Here is a sampling of some of their “best” work:

  • “This past year has certainly been difficult, upsetting and unclear…”
  • “If you told me on January 20th I’d still have a sense of dread in December on the direction of our country, I’d have never believed it; yet, here it is, and yes, I do…”
  • “In spite of new, climate-focused leadership in Washington, our planet still is headed for a tipping point we’ll never recover from…”
  • “We cannot wait for so-called ‘leaders’ to act. The planet needs us now, because tomorrow will be too late…”
  • “I, too, feel the dread so many of you have expressed these past months.  It isn’t just the planet, but life in general that seems to be hurtling toward inevitable destruction…”

In each of the emails quoted above, there was a clear solution:  Donate to them and they’d continue with their fight for the planet, for an end to fossil fuel use, for a ‘just transition’ to renewables, and for policies designed to keep the fundraising dollars rolling in.

They forget one thing, though:  Their actions will destroy hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of current American energy jobs.  Those jobs have families attached to them.  Those jobs have communities built around them.  Those jobs promote philanthropic giving and community service.  Those families are working – by and large – in cornerstone industries for their towns across rural America.

If the ENGOs think they are depressed with life, imagine the impact on those families if their radical environmentalism brings about job losses.  In spite of the utopian lies spread by the ‘green’ movement, there are few, if any, ‘green jobs’ ready and waiting for the families they’d impact with their extremism.

That’s just another reason why Power The Future will continue to fight for America’s energy workers in 2022.  There doesn’t need to be more families feeling stress next year.

December 27, 2021