Will Biden Buck The Trend And Oppose The Green New Deal?

Will Biden Buck The Trend And Oppose The Green New Deal?

May 10, 2019

Vice President Joe Biden’s energy record is not one to be particularly proud of. The Obama-Biden administration waged an all too successful “war on coal,” raising burdensome regulations, shutting down mines and putting people out of work. In fact, under the Obama-Biden administration, 83,000 coal jobs were lost.

But might Biden be better than the other 2020 Democratic candidates running for president on energy issues?

Nearly every single one of them has backed Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s Green New Deal. As Power the Future has explained, that “plan” would bankrupt America, throw hundreds of thousands of people out of work, decimate the energy industry and ruin many small towns that depend on energy jobs. Even Michael Bloomberg calls it “pie-in-the-sky.”

There are growing signs that Biden wants to buck the trend and resist the siren call of the Green New Deal.

The Hill reports that Biden is crafting a “more centrist” energy plan that could “seek to embrace energy sources like nuclear and fossil fuel options.” He would remain in the Paris Climate Agreement and maintain Obama-era regulations.

This still appears much worse than the pro-energy policies being implemented by the Trump administration, but it’s probably better than the ‘lets bankrupt America for rainbow and unicorns’ strategy being pushed by the eco-left, Ocasio-Cortez and the other 2020 candidates.

Will the progressive base let Biden embrace conventional energy? We have our doubts.

New polling out this week finds that a whopping 96% of solid Democrats somewhat or strongly support the Green New Deal. In other words, the left-wing base is with Ocasio-Cortez.

That’s why Biden will probably cave to the eco-left. They’ve taken over the left, and now they’re coming after America’s energy dominance.