Eco-Activists Eat Their Own As They Fight Over Land For Solar Panels

Eco-Activists Eat Their Own As They Fight Over Land For Solar Panels

August 29, 2019

What happens when Big Green (the eco-energy industry) goes up against environmentalists who want to protect the trees? Do they all sing kumbaya?

Nope. They go to eco-civil war.

The Washington Post this week is documenting an increasingly nasty dispute between a “controversial” solar farm project and those defending the trees.

Here’s the backstory: A solar company hired by Georgetown University wants to build a solar panel farm in rural Charles County, Maryland. But in order to do so, they’d have to destroy 210 acres of trees. The company says they’d actually save trees, because the emissions reductions in their view “would be equivalent to planting hundreds of thousands of trees.”

But the eco-activists aren’t buying it. “Green projects do not destroy green resources,” said one activist. The activists are even going so far as to say that the solar panel company is engaging in “green-washing” and that the company’s environmental efforts are “hollow.”

It seems that, for now, the activists have won. The Washington Post reports that Maryland Environmental Secretary Ben Grumbles has denied the permit for the solar farm, in part because the 210 acres would encompass “targeted ecological areas.”

This is the green movement getting a taste of their own bitter medicine. For years green activists have targeted oil, gas, coal and nuclear power, doing everything they can to stop permits for the sake of the “trees” or “wildlife” – regardless of costs to jobs or families.

We’ve seen eco-protestors disrupt and fight needed pipelines tooth and nail over similar so-called concerns. Their efforts jack up costs for necessary projects, hurting consumers and our country as a whole.

It’s fitting that the eco-left is now eating its own. After all Big Green has done to denigrate conventional energy workers, maybe a taste of their own medicine will make them realize just how destructive their efforts can be.